
3D with WiiRemote

Supper 3D with WiiRemote!
By Johnny Chung Lee[link]

Ultra wideband

From Wikipedia[link]

(UWB, ultra-wide band, ultraband, etc.) is
a radio technology. It can be used at very low energy levels for
short-range high-bandwidth communications by using a larger
portion of the radio spectrum. This method is using pulse coded
information with sharp carrier pulses at a bunch of center frequencies
in logical connex. UWB has traditional applications in non cooperative
radar imaging. Most recent applications target sensor data collection,
precision locating and tracking applications.

Due to the extremely low emission levels currently allowed by
regulatory agencies, UWB systems tend to be short-range and indoors
applications. However, due to the short duration of the UWB pulses, it
is easier to engineer extremely high data rates, and data rate can be
readily traded for range by simply aggregating pulse energy per data bit
using either simple integration or by coding techniques. Conventional
OFDM technology can also be used subject to the minimum bandwidth
requirement of the regulations. High data rate UWB can enable wireless
, the efficient transfer of data from digital camcorders, wireless
of digital pictures from a camera without the need for an intervening
personal computer
, and the transfer of files among cell phone handsets and
other handheld devices like personal digital audio and video players.

UWB is used as a part of location systems and real time location systems.
The precision capabilities combined with the very low power makes it ideal
for certain radio frequency sensitive environments such as hospitals and
healthcare. Another benefit of UWB is the short broadcast time which enables
implementers of the technology to install orders of magnitude more transmitter
tags in an environment relative to competitive technologies. USA based Parco
Merged Media Corporation was the first systems developer to deploy a
commercial version of this system in a Washington, DC hospital.

New UWB Products from HITACHI[link]
Accuracy- 30cm


Klaipeda typeface

Klaipeda typeface[link]

Trans-sensing—Seeing Music

I.D. student award 06[link]
By Wen-Hua Hu
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In Trans-sensing, Hu outlines her process of developing a
complex graphics system that explores what it might be like to
visualize music—at first strictly, by converting each note's pitch
into a corresponding pictogram's color, its rhythm into shape,
and its beat into size; and then more loosely, through free-form
drawing. Based on the idea of synesthesia, the rare neurological
condition in which the senses cross wires—leading the affected to,
for example, taste shapes or hear colors—the project was originally
intended to allow those with a perceptual deficiency to experience
a missing sense through an intact one.

From I.D student award 06
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sound spectrum

Actionscript: SoundMixer.computeSpectrum()
Source: The Flash blog[link]

Action Sclipt video tutorial[link]

//////////////////////code sample /////////////////////////
  1. var s:Sound = new Sound();
  2. var sc:SoundChannel;
  3. var ba:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
  4. var array:Array;
  5. s.load(new URLRequest("mix.mp3"));
  6. sc = s.play(0,1000);
  7. this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, spectrum);
  8. var a:Number = 0;
  9. function spectrum(event:Event)
  10. {
  11. a = 0;
  12. graphics.clear();
  13. SoundMixer.computeSpectrum(ba,true,0);
  14. for(var i=0; i <256; i=i+8)
  15. {
  16. a = ba.readFloat();
  17. var num:Number = a*360;
  18. graphics.lineStyle(num/15,0x0066FF|(num <<8));
  19. graphics.drawCircle(stage.stageWidth/2,stage.stageHeight/2,i);
  20. }
  21. }


Image for BAT

Sclitscan Type Generator [link]
For building image