s e r e n d i p i t y2
004. Design of serendipity2 [Ema * second life]
As one of the bonus/alternative functions of Ema, "Ema in second life".
A user in real life could notice the moment when he pass by someone's abater
in second life. He can not see him but he can hear some nice special sound
(sound effect), such as the sound of a bell (like a cat) or the sound of steps.
As well as the user in phisical world, the user who controle abater in second life,
he can hear the same sounds as him at the same time.
s e r e n d i p i t y
003. Design of serendipity
Sometimes, as one of the bonus/alternative functions of Ema,
the wind in the area conveys the music of one user.
Without his noticing, the wind conveys the sounds/music for
another person who is in the same city with wind itself.
(but only one person can hear the music)
kaze to disktop (my blog)[link]
>>screan saver using local wind data
bound of Ema
001. boundary
At the last presentation, we did not mention about the boundary of ema that much.
The boundary of Ema can be changed, depending on the environment,
the space +the people arround(as two of you discuss before)
The boundary of ema can be dynamic rather than statistic such as water.
(The picture is not good, it is not really tell the concet of Ema, sharing)
Inspiration of boundary:
- Mess a di voce (my blog) [link]
Inspiration of dynamic boundary:-yougop/boder [link]
(click "1. border")
002. i-tune/body-tune
One day before our presentation, Simon and I discussed about tuning system
with the professers.
At that time, J.L. advised us that it should be fun if user can change the bound of
Ema(how much distance he can hear) with the devise.
For example, in the metro -0, at street-1, at a park-3...
w i n d o w
Image from Illoiha Omotesando fitness club in Tokyo
By some possibility, the windows (on the exterior wall)
might be the frames of pieces of art, the art of human life (activity).
Could be...Could not be...
- - - -
How we can visualise the surface of architectuer...
How we can visualise information of hight...
How we can achive 3D...
X, Y, Z
H 5
The child: movie by H5
GAS Project Blog H5[link]
- - -
How we can visualize 3D.
City council know the infomation of the hight of each building.
We can easyly access to this informatioon.
So depending on the ways of visualization of each building,
it can create something like "the child" easily.
aqua scape
aqua scape[link]
by ELP for water exhibition
Aqua scape is the web site which provide you the sounds
of water from different place on the earth.
What if we can hear the sounds of ground water...
What if we can hear the sounds of other city...
What if we can hear the sounds from deep water...
Sounds of deep sea fish, sounds of migrant bird...
Mess a di voce
Mess a di voce[link]
Good example of the visualization of sound.
Sound is not a statictic stuff, but more dynamic.
The bubble of Ema must be changable depending on the relationship
and action.
B o u n d a r y
Boundary Functions Scott Snibbe, 1998 [link]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We think of personal space as something that belongs solely to ourselves.
However, Boundary Functions shows us that personal space exists only in
relation to others. Our personal space changes dynamically in relation to
those around us.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Media art by Scott Snibbe.
As one Prof said in the Fing2.0 workshop, the scale of boundary
(of ema) might be changeable depending on the relationship.
But, as for ema, it might not show the line of boundary.
Good to visualize, what it should be, even just a drawing...
Also, in some particular space the bubble might be seen...
Such as music store...
To see or not to see
i p h o n e
About iphone
tout guide (video)/apple us [link]
thinking about other function, it is fantastic! supper!
And I want, I need!
紙を超えるmobile widget/ taro site[link]
とにかくイケているMail 端末[link]
However as a phone... there is interesting report about it.
+iphone as a phone-probing the main function[link]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
While in the messaging department we made sure that
the iPhone has almost nothing to it, the phone features
are doing better – it rings, which is a good thing already.
The ergonomics of the phonebook, dialing display and,
basically, everything that has something to do with calls
have been carried over from the past century. Any iPhone
user spends twice as much time on dialing a number –
if you call at least 15 times a day, it will make 6 to 9 hours
a year. Of course it may not seem much at a glance, but in
the end it all leads to tremendous amounts of wasted time.
Of course, to finish every action in short time is not the
most important things for interface, I think.
We have to think about whole experience. Even if it takes
little bit more second to press the button, as long as people
do not bothered, I think that is Ok, good!
But considering the situation when we got a phone call,
we sometimes are in hurry to catch the call.
So, time is important issue.
Actually, iphone is more than phone.
Usually, the main function of mobile devise is "to make a phone call."
Yet, as for iphone there seems to be no main function.
What we wants to do out side of the house/office/school?-activity
So then, what we need?
And how the activity should be, in context/ situation.
>> then, make order of users priority.
T i m e m a c h i n e
Time Machine is the breakthrough automatic backup that’s built
right into Mac OS X. It keeps an up-to-date copy of everything
on your Mac — digital photos, music, movies, TV shows, and
documents. Now, if you ever have the need, you can easily go
back in time to recover anything.
Apple :The next big thing [link]
Log workshop 15/10/07
Fing2.0-what we gonna do in this week![Presentation]
-del.icio.us ville 2.0
create truck/some platform where people can re-create/
act by themselves such as
"killer app sur l'internet"
"software above the level of a single device" par O'Reilly:
comme le la ville ou on peut comporter dans/avec le service?
as if it is a village which enable for people to act as they like!
New killer appriction (killer app) sur l'internet
01.vill2.0 definition
02.Synthese tim o'reilly: Internet Operating System
internet could be OS: software above the level of a single device
CNET Japan オイリーのインターネットOS論 [link]
O'Reilly [link]
03.les tags
tagging is the way to create new ways of classification
user oriented classification.
bit similar to index but...
04.RSS RSS reader
05. publication
-tumblr[link]: Simplified Blogging system
Blog+social bookmark いいとこ取りサービス[link]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-jumpcu[link]t: ウェブベースでのビデオ編集
-long tail reseaux sociaux
amazon.com business: 30% of profit of amazon is from long tail business. from
-last.fm[link] social sharing music site?
finding a friends who has same taste of music!( it is possible for music lovers)
Local Event 参加者も可視化されている
Facebook relationship map?( visualization)?
API et Mashup
from IT用語辞典 [link]
-zillow.com [link]: U.S. house selling site using mashup technique.
-programmableweb.com [link]
general API site!
ProgrammableWeb is where you can keep-up with what's new and
interesting with mashups, Web 2.0 APIs, and the new Web as Platform.
It's a directory, a news source, a reference guide, a community.
Because the world's your programmable oyster.
-google map + video/view
xfruits [link](nice naming!)
With xFruits, mix and make delicious mixtures of feeds for blog,
mobile and startpage.
06.pour aller plus loin
Blog action day[link]:
Similar to the "Tomoko birthday"/ the white band campain
01.la ville comme une plate-forme d'innovations ouverte
1.plate-forme for new tech.
donner la ville
02.laville complexe...et familiere
-archigram "moving city?"
complextsity - geographically and sociosically
new form of socialization
→give a chance for new sociability
03.une mobilité plus libre et plus durable
More free and more durable mobility
-ecology without feeling guilty
[ex] velibe/candle-night/
-have to think about management process as well
to make it work
parce que il faut pratique/platic?
04.Le 5e ecran (スクリーン/the fifth layer?)
cinema screen/tv/computer/cell phone/ and 5th ecran what could it be?
belna(べルナ)et Paris
velib more social activity
※consider and response for mobility and growth of mobility.
Personalized system.
how can we manage the different way of making
navigo card
how can we manage the matter of institution
rechargeable contactless card had been exists since 80s
in France but the can not use it because the institution
hate "change".
interdiction: everything is forbidden in France.
ex road
01.パラドックス about Velib
Q.How can we, who moves a lot, cope with the traditional system?
very much physical staff.
rather than deliver, pick up? / but who?
i-1.How much the night in Paris bright
only night it happens
same tech. as GPS/You can not see the map/
legend in the city Paris
only the people who lives in particular 区、
they can put information?
Nuit Blanche
-del.icio.us ville 2.0
create truck/some platform where people can re-create/
act by themselves such as
"killer app sur l'internet"
"software above the level of a single device" par O'Reilly:
comme le la ville ou on peut comporter dans/avec le service?
as if it is a village which enable for people to act as they like!
New killer appriction (killer app) sur l'internet
01.vill2.0 definition
02.Synthese tim o'reilly: Internet Operating System
internet could be OS: software above the level of a single device
CNET Japan オイリーのインターネットOS論 [link]
O'Reilly [link]
03.les tags
tagging is the way to create new ways of classification
user oriented classification.
bit similar to index but...
04.RSS RSS reader
05. publication
-tumblr[link]: Simplified Blogging system
Blog+social bookmark いいとこ取りサービス[link]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-jumpcu[link]t: ウェブベースでのビデオ編集
-long tail reseaux sociaux
amazon.com business: 30% of profit of amazon is from long tail business. from
-last.fm[link] social sharing music site?
finding a friends who has same taste of music!( it is possible for music lovers)
Local Event 参加者も可視化されている
Facebook relationship map?( visualization)?
API et Mashup
from IT用語辞典 [link]
-zillow.com [link]: U.S. house selling site using mashup technique.
-programmableweb.com [link]
general API site!
ProgrammableWeb is where you can keep-up with what's new and
interesting with mashups, Web 2.0 APIs, and the new Web as Platform.
It's a directory, a news source, a reference guide, a community.
Because the world's your programmable oyster.
-google map + video/view
xfruits [link](nice naming!)
With xFruits, mix and make delicious mixtures of feeds for blog,
mobile and startpage.
06.pour aller plus loin
Blog action day[link]:
Similar to the "Tomoko birthday"/ the white band campain
01.la ville comme une plate-forme d'innovations ouverte
1.plate-forme for new tech.
donner la ville
02.laville complexe...et familiere
-archigram "moving city?"
complextsity - geographically and sociosically
new form of socialization
→give a chance for new sociability
03.une mobilité plus libre et plus durable
More free and more durable mobility
-ecology without feeling guilty
[ex] velibe/candle-night/
-have to think about management process as well
to make it work
parce que il faut pratique/platic?
04.Le 5e ecran (スクリーン/the fifth layer?)
cinema screen/tv/computer/cell phone/ and 5th ecran what could it be?
belna(べルナ)et Paris
velib more social activity
※consider and response for mobility and growth of mobility.
Personalized system.
how can we manage the different way of making
navigo card
how can we manage the matter of institution
rechargeable contactless card had been exists since 80s
in France but the can not use it because the institution
hate "change".
interdiction: everything is forbidden in France.
ex road
01.パラドックス about Velib
Q.How can we, who moves a lot, cope with the traditional system?
very much physical staff.
rather than deliver, pick up? / but who?
i-1.How much the night in Paris bright
only night it happens
same tech. as GPS/You can not see the map/
legend in the city Paris
only the people who lives in particular 区、
they can put information?
Nuit Blanche
T r a i n F l o w
Why the trains run smoothly, in Japan
1.Changement of Reservation vhehicles.
In Japan, for Shinkansen(TGV) and limted express, there are
2 types of seat, one is reserved seat and the other is non-researved seat.
Since, usually in front of the vehicle for non-researved, there is a long que.
And that que prevent smooth movement of people who try to get on and get out.
So the company change the number of reserved and non-researved vehicle everytime.
They can keep average rate of use, on the space.
2.Alternate departure
In the popular station, they use both side of one plat home
for one way of one specific train.
In the morning, the train schedule is designed to creat spare
time for each train.
There is always one train on the plat home waiting for other
comes, and the first train wating in the station depart when
the other comes.
3. Special way of applying the "brake".
Once the train make a delay, they apply the techniques of
applying the brake to cut down the time.
When they found the delay, driver apply this technique,
and he can reduce 5 second each "one stop at each station" .
So with 30 stations, the driver can recover 2min30.
1.Changement of Reservation vhehicles.
In Japan, for Shinkansen(TGV) and limted express, there are
2 types of seat, one is reserved seat and the other is non-researved seat.
Since, usually in front of the vehicle for non-researved, there is a long que.
And that que prevent smooth movement of people who try to get on and get out.
So the company change the number of reserved and non-researved vehicle everytime.
They can keep average rate of use, on the space.
2.Alternate departure
In the popular station, they use both side of one plat home
for one way of one specific train.
In the morning, the train schedule is designed to creat spare
time for each train.
There is always one train on the plat home waiting for other
comes, and the first train wating in the station depart when
the other comes.
3. Special way of applying the "brake".
Once the train make a delay, they apply the techniques of
applying the brake to cut down the time.
When they found the delay, driver apply this technique,
and he can reduce 5 second each "one stop at each station" .
So with 30 stations, the driver can recover 2min30.
S u i c a
Suica (スイカ, Suica?) is a rechargeable contactless smart card
used as a fare card on train lines in Japan. The card is usable
currently in the Kantō region(JR and other railway and metro),
at JR East stations near Sendai and Niigata, and in the Kinki region
on JR West. Launched in November 2001.
The card is also increasingly being accepted as a form of electronic
money for purchases at stores and kiosks within train stations.
As of April 2007, over 20 million Suica cards were in circulation.
How it is like?
Mobile Suica
Mobile phone works as Suica!
Just enter the information about your credit card using
the site in your mobilephone network.
View Suica
Convination with your credit card.
JAL x Suica
Japan airline with Suica
Interface Design: the Angle of the scanner
To let scanner read Suica, it takes 0.2sec. It's not that much long time.
However, when the reader is placed as flat, people can not wait 0.2sec.
because they wants to swipe it.
However the reader has some angle, people can wait.
Because they touch the scanner with Suica rather than swipe.
Suica/JR East [link]
Suica Design Project (Japanese) [link]
T r a n s i t i o n n a v i g a t i o n
Public transportation navigation service on mobile phone.
In Japan people use mobile phone to find the best way of
moving between two places with public transport.
Just use mobile phone and connect to network(internet)
provided by mobile phone company, such as "Orange world".
How does it work in the site?
There is smalle difference between the service provider but
almost the same.
1. Enter the name of the station where you are and
where you want to go.
2.Enter time and days, and tell your priority of the criteria,
such as time>money>route or so.
3. Then the site shows you some route with order.
With information of time, money, transision time,
and wheater there. In addition, if there is delay,
it shows you that infomation.
As for process no1, there are other oppotunity to find
where you are and whare you are going.
(Depending on the career which you made a contract)
[A.] find where you are with GPS and show
what is the nearest station.
[B] From Memory; the station which you often use.
In addition to these basic service, it provide
other information (1.5 euro/month)
-which number of vehicle is good to change line 5.
-if you run, you can catch the one before.
駅探 Ekitan [link]
ジョルダン Jorudan[link]
i g o o g l e g a d ge t
M i d T o k y o M a p
Mid Tokyo Map [link]
It is the web site which cleary show the idea of Tokyo,
comparing with other big city in the world.
It is made of 2001, still it is cool!
>What is Mid-Tokyo Maps
>Mid-Tokyo Maps is a website devoted to exploring the remaking
>of Tokyo into an attractive metropolis that can hold its own in
>the global competition between cities.
>Mori Building Co., Ltd. sponsored Mid-Tokyo Maps as its
>pavilion in the Japanese government's 2001 Inpaku Internet
p h o t o s y
Microsoft photosy [link]
>The Photosynth Technology Preview is a taste of the newest -
>and, we hope, most exciting - way to view photos on a computer.
>Our software takes a large collection of photos of a place or an
>object, analyzes them for similarities, and then displays the
>photos in a reconstructed three-dimensional space, showing you
>how each one relates to the next.
a n i m a l f o r e s t
DOBUTSU-NO-MORI: animal forest nintendo DS[links]
This is one kind of interactive game for nintendo DS(portable game).
In short, animal charactor(avatar) version of second life.
What is interesting about this game is its special interactive function.
First,put this game(DS with software, DOBUTSU-NO-MORI)
in your bag , selecting "surechigai mode(crossing mode)".
Go out somewhere(city, school, office, station).
Then, when you crossing by someone, who has the same game and
selects same mode, but maybe you do not know.
Without your noticing, your village(virtual), where your avatar lives,
connects to his one.
(However, this "crossing" only happens in Wi-Fi emvironment.)
>Animal Crossing est un jeu vidéo édité par Nintendo pour
>les consoles de jeux vidéo Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo
>64 (au Japon). Cette dénomination est issue d'un jeu de mot
>se référant aux panneaux routiers mettant en garde contre
>les soudaines apparitions d'animaux sur la chaussée.
>Il a connu une suite sur Nintendo DS : Animal Crossing: Wild World.
>Dans ce jeu, le joueur emménage dans un village de campagne
>habité par des animaux aux caractères bien distincts. Il introduit
>un nouveau type de jeu dérivé du collect them up : le but est de
>rendre tous les habitants heureux, de créer des vêtements et des
>décorations et de collectionner des objets (meubles, tapis,
>vêtements, fossiles...). Le jeu se déroule en temps réel, les minutes
>et les heures étant synchronisées avec la vie réelle (heure de la
>console), ainsi que les jours, les mois et les saisons. Il est également
>possible de fêter Noël et tous les autres événements (américains) avec
>les villageois.
From wiki pedia (Français) [link]
ONG MAP [link]
What is ONGMAP.COM? What can I do with it?
>ONGMAP collects a vast range of information about what is at a given location >and makes it easily locatable on a map of the world.
> * Google Map : You know what to look for → Search for it → Locate on the map
> * ONGMAP : You know where to search → Select what to sort of thin to look for →Display on the map
What can I find at ONGMAP.COM?
>As of 2007-09-06, you can find 30 types of data at ONGMAP.COM. This includes
>data we have compiled ourselves as well as that provided by external web sites >through their public web api’s.
># Weather forecasts (worldwide)
># Elevation (worldwide)
># Countries/Regions/Cities of the world (worldwide)
># WiFi spots (FON is available worldwide. Other spots are in Japan only)
># Photos (worldwide)
># Videos (worldwide)
># Hotels (worldwide)
># Local news/blogs (worldwide)
># Local events (worldwide)
># Wikipedia articles (worldwide)
># Travel and geology books (worldwide)
># Airports (worldwide)
># UNESCO World Heritage (worldwide)
more detail (english)>> blog@ongmap.com(some of them, japanese)[links]
K a z e t o D e s k t o p
SCR [link]
Local info/way of visualization
Souce: sakana no emaki
投稿 (Atom)