
T r a i n F l o w

Why the trains run smoothly, in Japan

1.Changement of Reservation vhehicles.
In Japan, for Shinkansen(TGV) and limted express, there are
2 types of seat, one is reserved seat and the other is non-researved seat.
Since, usually in front of the vehicle for non-researved, there is a long que.
And that que prevent smooth movement of people who try to get on and get out.
So the company change the number of reserved and non-researved vehicle everytime.
They can keep average rate of use, on the space.

2.Alternate departure
In the popular station, they use both side of one plat home
for one way of one specific train.
In the morning, the train schedule is designed to creat spare
time for each train.
There is always one train on the plat home waiting for other
comes, and the first train wating in the station depart when
the other comes.

3. Special way of applying the "brake".
Once the train make a delay, they apply the techniques of
applying the brake to cut down the time.
When they found the delay, driver apply this technique,
and he can reduce 5 second each "one stop at each station" .
So with 30 stations, the driver can recover 2min30.

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